
What Music Would You Play For A Country Chili Cook Off

The simply thing certain almost the origins of chili is that information technology did not originate in Mexico.

Charles Ramsdell, a writer from San Antonio in an commodity called San Antonio: An Historical and Pictorial Guide, wrote:

"Chili, as we know it in the U.S., cannot exist plant in Mexico today except in a few spots which cater to tourists.  If chili had come from Mexico, it would still exist there.  For Mexicans, especially those of Native ancestry, do not alter their culinary customs from one generation, or even from 1 century, to some other."

If in that location is whatever doubt about what the Mexicans recall about chili, the Diccionario de Mejicanismos, published in 1959, defines chili con carne as (roughly translated):

"detestable food passing itself off as Mexican, sold in the U.S. from Texas to New York."

Chili Con Carne

17th Century:

Chili History, Legends and Myths:

Where does a legend brainstorm and how does it become role of history?  You be the judge!

There are many legends and stories about where chili originated and information technology is generally thought, by most historians, that the earliest versions of chili were fabricated by the very poorest people.  J. C. Clopper, the first American known to have remarked well-nigh San Antonio'due south chili carne, wrote in 1926:

"When they have to pay for their meat in the market, a very piddling is made to suffice for a family; this is mostly into a kind of hash with nearly every bit many peppers as there are pieces of meat – this is all stewed together."

Co-ordinate to an old Southwestern Native American fable and tale (several modern author have documented – or maybe just passed along) information technology is said that the offset recipe for chili con carne was put on paper in the 17th century by a cute nun, Sister Mary of Agreda of Spain.  She was mysteriously known to the Natives of the Southwest Usa as "La Dama de Azul," the lady in bluish.  Sis Mary would go into trances with her body lifeless for days.  When she awoke from these trances, she said her spirit had been to a faraway land where she preached Christianity  counseled others to seek out Spanish missionaries.

Information technology is certain that Sis Mary never physically left Spain, withal Castilian missionaries and Rex Philip 4 of Spain believed that she was the ghostly "La Dama de Azul" or "lady in blueish" of Native American Legend.  It is said that sis Mary wrote downwards the recipe for chili which called for venison or antelope meat, onions, tomatoes, and chile peppers.  No accounts of this were ever recorded, and so who knows?

18th Century

1731 – On March ix, 1731, a group of sixteen families (56 persons) arrived from the Canary Islands at Bexar, the villa of San Fernando de Bar (at present know every bit the city of San Antonio).  They had emigrated to Texas from the Castilian Canary Islands by order of King Philip V. of Spain.  The King of Spain felt that colonization would help cement Spanish claims to the region and block France's westward expansion from Louisiana.

These families founded San Antonio's get-go civil government which became the get-go municipality in the Spanish province of Texas.  According to historians, the women made a spicy "Spanish" stew that is similar to chili.

19th Century

Some Spanish priests were said to be wary of the passion inspired past republic of chile peppers, bold they were aphrodisiacs.  A few preached sermons against indulgence in a food which they said was nearly as "hot every bit hell'south brimstone" and "Soup of the Devil."  The priest's warning probably contributed to the dish's popularity.

1850 – Records were found past Everrette DeGolyer (1886-1956), a Dallas millionaire and a lover of chili, indicating that the outset chili mix was concocted around 1850 by Texan adventurers and cowboys as a staple for hard times when traveling to and in the California gold fields and effectually Texas.  Needing hot grub, the trail cooks came up with a sort of stew.  They pounded stale beefiness, fat, pepper, common salt, and the republic of chile peppers together into stackable rectangles which could be easily rehydrated with boiling h2o.  This amounted to "brick chili" or "chili bricks" that could exist boiled in pots forth the trail.  DeGolyer said that chili should exist chosen "chili a la Americano" considering the term chili is generic in Mexico and simply ways a hot pepper.  He believed that chili con carne began every bit the "pemmican of the Southwest."

It is said that some trail cooks planted pepper seeds, oregano, and onions in mesquite patches (to protect them from foraging cattle) to use on time to come trail drives.  It is thought that the chile peppers used in the primeval dishes were probably chilipiquo, which grow wild on bushes in Texas, particularly the southern part of the state.

There was some other group of Texans known equally "Lavanderas," or "Washerwoman," that followed around the 19th-century armies of Texas making a stew of caprine animal meat or venison, wild marjoram, and republic of chile peppers.

1860 – Residents of the Texas prisons in the mid to tardily 1800s also lay merits to the creation of chili. They say that the Texas version of bread and h2o (or gruel) was a stew of the cheapest available ingredients (tough beef that was hacked fine and chiles and spices that was boiled in water to an edible consistency). The "prisoner'south plight" became a status symbol of the Texas prisons and the inmates used to rate jails on the quality of their chili. The Texas prison organisation fabricated such good chili that freed inmates often wrote for the recipe, saying what they missed almost later on leaving was a really good bowl of chili.

1881 – William Gerard Tobin (1833-1884), one-time Texas Ranger, hotel proprietor, and an advocate of Texas-type Mexican food, negotiated with the United States government to sell canned chili to the army and navy.  In 1884, he organized a venture with the Range Canning Company at Fort McKavett, Texas to make chili from goat meat.  Tobin'south death, a few days subsequently the canning performance had started, ended further evolution and the venture failed.

1893 – The Texas chili went national when Texas set upwardly a San Antonio Chili Stand up at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

1895 – Lyman T. Davis of Corsicana, Texas made chili that he sold from the back of a wagon for five cents a bowl with all the crackers you lot wanted.  He subsequently opened a meat marketplace where he sold his chili in brick form, using the make proper noun of Lyman's Famous Domicile Made Chili.  In 1921, he started to tin chili in the dorsum of his market place and named information technology later his pet wolf, Kaiser Bill and called it Wolf Brand Chili (a picture of the wolf is notwithstanding used on the label today).

In 1924, Davis quit the chili business organisation when his ranch was institute to have lots of oil.  He sold his operations to J. C. W and Fred Slauson, two Corsicana businessmen.  To draw attending to the Wolf Brand Chili, the new owners had Model T Ford trucks with cabs shaped like chili cans and painted to resemble the Wolf Brand label.  A live wolf was caged in the dorsum of each truck.  Today the company is endemic past Stokley-Van Military camp in Dallas, Texas.

Chili Queens:

1880s – San Antonio was a wide-open up town (a cattle town, a railroad town, and an army town) and by 24-hour interval a municipal food market and by night a wild and open place.  An authoritative early account is provided in an article published in the July 1927 issue of Borderland Times.  In this article, Frank H. Bushick, San Antonio Commissioner  of Taxation, reminisces about the Chili Queens and their origin at Military Plaza earlier they were moved to Market Foursquare in 1887.  According to Bushick:

"The chili stand up and chili queens are peculiarities, or unique institutions, of the Alamo Metropolis. They started away dorsum there when the Spanish army camped on the plaza. They were started to feed the soldiers. Every form of people in every station of life patronized them in the former days. Some were attracted by the novelty of it, some by the cheapness. A big plate of chili and beans, with a tortilla on the side, cost a dime. A Mexican bootblack and a silk-hatted tourist would line up and eat side by side, [each] unconscious or oblivious of the other."

Latino women nicknamed "Chili Queens" sold stew they called "chili" fabricated with stale red chiles and beef from open-air stalls at the Military Plaza Mercado.  They made their chili at dwelling, loaded it onto colorful chili wagons, and transported the wagons and chili to the plaza.  They build mesquite fires on the square to keep the chili warm, lighted their wagons with colored lanterns, and squatted on the ground abreast the cart, dishing out chili to customers who sat on wooden stools to eat their fiery stew.

In those days, the world "chili" referred strictly to the pepper.  They served a variation of unproblematic, chile-spiked dishes (tamales, tortillas, chili con carne, and enchiladas).  A night was non considered complete without a visit to ane of these "chili queens."

1937 – In 1937 they were put out of business due to their disability to arrange to sanitary standards enforced in the town's restaurants (public officials objected to flies and poorly done dishes). Unable to provide facilities, they disappeared overnight. The following is reprinted from the San Antonio Calorie-free of September 12, 1937:

Recent action of the metropolis health department in ordering removal from Haymarket foursquare of the chili queens and their stands brought an end to a 200-twelvemonth-old tradition.  The chili queens fabricated their first appearance a couple of centuries back afterward a group of Castilian soldiers camped on what is now the metropolis hall site and gave the place the proper name, Military Plaza.  At in one case the chili queens had stands on Military, Haymarket and Alamo plazas simply years ago the city confined them to Haymarket plaza.  Co-ordinate to Tax Commissioner Frank Bushick, a contemporary and a historian of those times, the greatest of all the queens was no Mexican simply an American named Sadie.

Another famous queen was a senorita named Martha who later went on the stage.  Writing men like Stephen Crane and O. Henry were impressed plenty to immortalize the queens in their writings.  With the disappearance from the plaza of the chili stands, the troubadors who roamed the plaza for years also have disappeared into the dark.  Some of the chili queens take simply gone out of business.  Others, like Mrs. Eufemia Lopez and her daughters, Juanita and Esperanza Garcia, take opened indoor cafes elsewhere.  But henceforth the San Antonio company must forego his dining on chili al fresco.

They were restored by Mayor Maury Maverick in 1939, only their stands were airtight again shortly after the outset of Globe War II.

1980s – During the 1980s, San Antonio began staging what they call "historic re-enactments" of the chili queens.  As an tribute to chili, the state dish, the city of San Antonio holds an annual "Return of the Chili Queens Festival" in Market Square during the Memorial Day celebrations in May, sponsored by the El Mercado Merchants.

Chili Powder:

Chili historians are not exactly certain who commencement "invented" chili pulverisation.  It is agreed that the inventors of chili powder deserve a slot in history shut to Alfred Nobel (1933-1896), inventor of dynamite.

DeWitt Clinton Pendery:

1890s – The Fort Worth chili buffs give credit to DeWitt Clinton Pendery. Pendery arrived in Fort Worth, Texas in 1870.  Information technology is said that local cowboys jeered his elegant appearance (he was wearing a long frock coat and a alpine silk chapeau) every bit he stepped onto the dusty street.  Information technology is besides said that he was initiated into the town by a bullet whipping through his coat.  He casually collected his belongings and continued on his way, earning immediate popular respect.

By 1890, after his grocery store burned downwardly, he started selling his ain unique blend of chiles to cafes, hotels, and citizens under the proper name of Mexican Chili Supply Visitor.  Pendery'south products are even so sold today by members of his family . Pendery wrote of the medicinal benefits of his condiments and its acclaim from physicians: selling his own brand of "Chiltomaline" pulverization to cafes and hotels in the early on 1890s

"The health giving properties of hot chile peppers have no equal. They give tone to the gastrointestinal tract regulating the functions, giving a natural ambition and promoting health by action of the kidneys, pare and lymphatics."

William Gebhardt:

1894 – San Antonio buffs swear that chili powder was invented past William Gebhardt, a German immigrant in New Braunfels, Texas (near the town of San Antonio).  Gebhardt ran the Phoenix Cafe, attached to his buddy'south saloon, at present called the Phoenix Saloon.

According to the The New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung newspaper article (Phoenix Saloon Back in Concern), February 19, 2010:

The Phoenix Saloon was reputedly the first bar in Texas to serve women, though not wanting to taint their reputation; female patrons would sit down in the beer garden and ring a bong for service. . . In that location was a deer pen, an alligator pit and ring for fighting badgers at the original Phoenix Saloon. In that location was even a parrot sitting on a perch past the front door that was taught to say, "Take y'all paid your bill?" in German. . . A multitude of proprietors ran the saloon until Prohibition forced information technology to shut on June 26, 1918.

During this era, republic of chile peppers were only available afterward the summer harvest, every bit chili was only a seasonal food.  Gebhardt solved the trouble of availability by importing Mexican ancho chiles from farmers in furthermost San Luis Potosi, a Mexican town more than than 500 miles to the south, then that he could serve chili year-round.  His orders for chile peppers were ever big considering he had to stock upward on a full year's supply and then figure out how to shop thousands of chilie pods.

William Gebhardt spend years perfecting the spices for the chili he served in his buffet.  At commencement, Gebhardt ran the chile peppers through a home meat grinder iii times.  Later, co-ordinate to a description of the fourth dimension, Gebhardt "concocted a chili pulverization in a rough manufacturing plant by grinding chile peppers, cumin seed, oregano, and blackness pepper through an quondam hammer mill, feeding a little of this and a little of that to the manufacturing plant."  What came out was put in piddling-necked bottles and so packed in a box for retail trade."

At first he chosen his chili powder "Tampico Dust". In 1896, he changed the name to Gebhardt's Hawkeye Make Chili Powder.  In 1896, William Gebhardt opened a factory in San Antonio and was producing v cases of chili powder a week, which he sold from the dorsum of his wagon every bit he collection through town.  He was also an inventor, and somewhen patented xxx-seven machines for his manufacturing plant.  Past 1899, Gebhardt had trademarked his Hawkeye Chili Powder.

In 1923, Gebhardt produced a small 32-page cookery pamphlet on Mexican-American cookery called Mexican Cookery for American Homes.  This pamphlet was and so successful that new editions of information technology were regularly published through the 1950s.  In addition to recipes, the booklet proposed sample menus that included Gebhardt products into otherwise mainstream meals.

In 1960, the company was acquired by Beatrice Foods (at present owned past ConAgra Nutrient, Inc.) and is at present known as Gebhardt Mexican Foods Company.  The blend today is unchanged and is withal one of the most popular brands used.

20th Century

Chili Joints:

Around the turn of the century, chili joints appeared in Texas. By the 1920s, they were familiar all over the W, and by the low years, at that place was hardly a town that didn't have a chili parlor.  The chili joints were ordinarily no more than than a shed or a room with a counter and some stools.  Ordinarily a blanket was hung up to split the kitchen.

By the depression years, the chili joints meant the difference between starvation and staying alive.  Chili was cheap and crackers were gratis.  At the time, chili was said to have saved more people from starvation than the Red Cantankerous.The Dictionary of American Regional English language describes chili joints equally: "A pocket-sized inexpensive restaurant, especially one that served poor quality nutrient."

Cincinnati Chili:

Cincinnati Chili Cincinnati style chili is quite different from its more than familiar Texas cousin.  It is unique to the Cincinnati area.

1922 – The Cincinnati Mode Chili was created in 1922 by a Macedonian immigrant, Tom (Athanas) Kiradjieff.  He settled in Cincinnati with his brother, John, and opened a hot domestic dog stand with Greek food called the Empress, only to practise a lousy concern because nobody there at the time knew anything virtually Greek food.  So, it is said, that they called their spaghetti chili.

He created a chili fabricated with Middle Eastern spices which could be served a multifariousness of ways.  His "five-way" was a concoction of a mound of spaghetti topped with chili, so with chopped onion, and so carmine kidney beans, then shredded yellow cheese, and served with oyster crackers and a side order of hot dogs topped with shredded cheese.  Check out my recipes for Cincinnati-Manner Chili 1 and Cincinnati Chili two.

Springfield Mode Chili:

People of Springfield, Illinois take their chili very seriously.  They even spell it differently than the rest of the United States.  This peculiar spelling of "chilli" in Springfield originated with the founder of the Dew Chilli Parlor.

1909 – Legend has it that the Dew'south owner, Dew Brockman, quibbled with his sign painter over the spelling and won after noting that the dictionary spelled it both means.  Other folks believe the spelling matches the offset iv letters in Illinois.

At one time, there were more than a dozen chilli parlors and even more taverns and local cooks who served this version of chili.

1993 – Illinois State Senator Karen Harasa introduced Senate Joint Resolution No. 89 in the Illinois General Assembly.  This resolution, which was passed unanimously by both houses of the Legislature, proclaimed Illinois as the "Chilli Capital of the Civilized Globe" and recognized that the spelling is C-H-I-L-50-I.  The Governor was farther "authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of Illinois to commemorate this designation with advisable celebrations." Naturally this outrages Texans!

Chasen'south Chili:

Chasen's Restaurant in Hollywood, California probably fabricated the virtually famous chili.  The owner of the eating place, Dave Chasen (1899-1973), ex-vaudeville performer, kept the recipe a secret, entrusting it to no 1.

1936 to 2000 – For years, he came to the restaurant every Sunday to privately cook upward a batch, which he would freeze for the week, believing that the chili was best when reheated.  "It is a kind of bounder chili" was all that Dave Chasen would divulge.

Chauffeurs and studio people, actors and actresses would come to the back door of Chasen's to buy and choice up the chili past the quart.  Other famous people craved this chili such equally comedian and role player Jack Benny (1894-1974) who ordered it past the quart. J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972), former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who considered it the all-time chili in the world, and Eleanor Roosevelt (1894-1962) married woman of the 32nd President of the U.s.a., Franklin D. Roosevelt, sought the recipe but was refused (a gratuitous club was dispatched to her instead).

It is said that Chasen's as well send chili to picture actor Clark Gable (1901-1960), when he was in the hospital (he reportedly had it for dinner the night he died).

During the filming of the movie Cleopatra in Rome, Italy, famous motion-picture show star, Elizabeth Taylor, had Chasen's Eating house in Hollywood, California send 10 quarts of their famous chili to her.  She supposedly paid $200 to accept it shipped to her in Rome.

The original Chasen's restaurant airtight in April of 1995, and the new Chasen'due south on Tin Bulldoze airtight permanently in April of 2000.

Chili Competitions – Chili Cook Offs:

And then passionate are chili lovers that they agree competitions (some local, some international).  1 organization is the Chili Appreciation Social club International which has approximately fifty "pods" or clubs in the United States and Canada and supports over 400 sanctioned chili cook offs involving thousands of participants each year.  Chili competitions are held on a circuit each year (much like the arrangement used for tennis and golf competitions).

1952 – Well-nigh present day historians write that the start World's Chili Championship was the 1967 cook-off in Terlingua, Texas (see 1967 below).  Ranger Bob Ritchey of Texas proved this theory incorrect.  He researched and constitute several newspaper articles most the 1952 Texas Country Fair Chili Championship.  On Oct five, 1952, headlines of The Daily Times Herald of Dallas, Texas said "Woman Wins But Men Do Well in Chili Event."

On Oct v, 1952 at the Texas Country Fair in Dallas, Texas. Mrs. F. G. Ventura of Dallas won the Texas State Fair contest and her recipe was declared the "Official State Fair of Texas Chili Recipe" and first ever "Earth Champion Chili Cook."  Mrs. Ventura held her title as Globe Champions Chili Melt for fifteen years.

The issue was planned past Joe. East. Cooper (1895-1952), ex-newspaper human, to assistance promote his newly published book on chili called With or Without Beans – An Informal Biography of Chili.  Information technology was a no-holds-barred affair as to ingredients, except that beans could not be used.  The contestants numbered fifty-five with five judges.  Joe East. Cooper is quoted as saying: "Besides that, it'll take a lot of judges considering later the first two or iii spoonfuls of good, hot Texas-style chili, the fine edge wears off even an expert chili approximate'due south sense of taste buds… It'll be a hot job but ane that no true Texan volition shirk."

Unfortunately Joe. E. Cooper never lived to see how popular chili cook-offs would go.  He died three months later on December 12, 1952.

1967 – The well-nigh famous and well known chili cook-off took identify in 1967 in Terlingua, Texas.  Terlingua was once a thriving mercury-mining town of 5,000 people and it is the most remote site your can choose every bit it is not close to whatsoever major urban center and the nearest commercial airport is well-nigh 279 miles away.  Just getting to Terlingua requires a major effort.  Information technology was a 2-human being cook-off between Texas chili gnaw Homer "Wick" Fowler (1909-1972), a Dallas and Denton newspaper reporter, and H. Allen Smith (1906-1976), New York humorist and author, which concluded in a necktie.

The cook-off challenge started when H. Allen Smith wrote a story for the August 1967 Holiday Magazine titled Nobody Knows More Near Chili Than I Practice, which claimed that no one in Texas could make proper chili.  Smith contended that". . . no living human, I repeat, can put together a pot of chili equally ambrosial, as delicately and zestfully flavorful, as the chili I make." His article included his recipe for chili that included beans.

Of course, this offended many Texans who would never consider adding beans to their chili.  When Frank Tolbert (1912-1984), famous journalist and writer of A Basin of Red, saw Smith's article, he started open warfare in the printing with a column he wrote for the Dallas News.  A reader suggested that Fowler answer the challenge, which he did.  The cook-off competition ended in a necktie vote when the necktie-breaker judge, Dave Witts, a Dallas lawyer and self-proclaimed mayor of Terlingua, spat out his chili, declaring that his gustation buds were "ruint," and said they would have to do the whole thing over over again adjacent year.

According to Gary Cartwright, writer for Sports Illustrated, the blindfolded approximate number three, David Witts, was given a spoonful of chili which he promptly spit out all over the referee's foot."Then he went into convulsions.  He rammed a white handerkerchief downwardly his throat every bit though he were cleaning a rifle barrel, and in an agonizing whisper Witts pronounced himself unable to go along."

State Nutrient of Texas:

1977 – The chili manufacturers of the country of Texas, successfully lobbied the Texas legislature to accept chili proclaimed the official "land nutrient" of Texas "in recognition of the fact that the just real 'basin of red' is that prepared by Texans."

Did Yous Know?

Will Rogers (1879-1935), popular thespian, cattleman, broker, and journalist, called chili "bowl of blessedness."

It is said that Will Rogers judge a town by the quality of its chili.  He sampled chili in hundreds of towns, especially in Texas and Oklahoma and kept a box score.  He ended that the finest chili (in his judgment was from a small cafe in Coleman, Texas.

Jesse James (1847-1882), outlaw and desperado of the old American West, refused to rob a depository financial institution in McKinney, Texas because that is where his favorite chili parlor was located.

Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson had "chili pangs" for President Lyndon Johnson'south, 36th President of the United States, "Pedernales River Chili" and had cards printed with the LBJ chili recipe.  "It has been almost as popular as the government pamphlet on the intendance and feeding of children."

Eleanor Roosevelt (1894-1962) wife of the 32nd President of the Us, Franklin D. Roosevelt, sought the Chasen's Chili recipe but was refused it (a complimentary lodge was dispatched to her instead).

It is said that Chasen's also ship chili to movie actor Clark Gable (1901-1960), when he was in the hospital (he reportedly had information technology for dinner the nighttime he died).
The following song has go the anthem at every Terlingua Cook-Off, where no chili with beans recipes are allows to compete.

If You Know Beans Most Chili, You Know That Chili Has No Beans
past Ken Finlay, vocalist, songwriter, and owner of Cheatham Street Warehouse (a music hall in San Marcos), written in 1976.

You burn some mesquite and when the coals get hot, y'all bunk up some meat and yous throw it on a pot.
While some chile pods and garlic and comino and stuff, then you add a little salt till there's just enough.
Y'all can throw in some onions to make it smell good.
You lot can even add tomatoes, if you feel similar y'all should.
Merely if y'all know beans about chili, you know that chili has no beans

If yous know beans about chili, you lot know information technology didn't come from Mexico.
Chili was God'south gift to Texas (or possibly it came from down below).
And chili doesn't go with macaroni, and dammed Yankee'southward don't go with chili queens; and if you know beans nearly chili, y'all know that chili has no beans.


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