Real-Deal Soft Pretzels

I am a big fan of large, soft pretzels. I accept tried them a couple of times but did not get them exactly right. This recipe and more than importantly the careful workflow, actually turned out great. Cheers to Nils for tutoring me on how to form and manage pretzels. Give this a attempt in the Pizza-Porta and permit me know how it turns out.


13 Grams of Brown Carbohydrate

ii Tablespoons of Lard (easier to scoop than counterbalance)

seven Grams Instant yeast

720 Grams Bread Flour

472 Grams water (100 degrees F)

21 Grams of Kosher Salt (don't substitute)

Form Sea Salt or Pretzel Salt (not Kosher) for topping

Other Cloth needed:

1/2 cup food form Lye (Amazon is helpful) - More than on this beneath

3 12" pizza pans





Mix half of the flout with brown sugar, lard, yeast and warm h2o until all incorporated (past hand or with dough hook). Add together Salt and remaining flour and mix until dough comes together into a shaggy ball. Remainder. Kneed dough on countertop for four-5 minutes until it becomes firm and smooth. Cut to make 12 - 100 gram pieces. Scroll each of these into a cylinder about x" long and let them rest at room temperature, covered for 8-x minutes. Get a couple of cookie sheets greased and ready while they are resting.


Class Pretzels

Take each dough and scroll it into a 21" long tapered log - Fat in the eye and 1/4" thin at the ends. And so treat it like a mini jump rope for a few revolutions and cross your hands over then that in that location is a fatty dough center and the ends are criss-crossed and can be placed over to form a pretzel shape. Carefully arrange each pretzel on the greased cookie sheet. Subsequently all 12 are on sheets, let them rise for thirty minutes nether plastic wrap at room temperature. So, place the cookie sheets in the fridge for at least one hour. (longer is okay)

While waiting, cut parchment paper circles to fit iii - 12" pizza pans.

The Scary part

Yes, the next pace involves putting your beautiful, stake pretzels into a bath that is volatile and dangerous.* You can choose to use baking soda instead, and your pretzels will gustation alright, but they will only darken to look like French bread. Lye is unsafe and amercement aluminum and skin - go ahead and wear gloves, glasses, use tools, and exist very careful. There is a chemic reaction in the oven that converts the lye if in the correct concentration. Put 10 cups of room temperature (not hot) water in a glass bowl and slowly add the 1/two cup lye (20:i ratio). Do not put lye in the bowl outset, and stir to completely deliquesce the lye. Gently lower each pretzel into the lye water and make certain both sides are exposed to the lye for 15 seconds. Place the pretzels 4 to a pan on the 12" parchment covered pizza pans. I had success placing the fat portion toward the middle of the pan.


Ready the Pizza-Porta with a single rock or double rack with stones with plate setter nether and go temperature stabilized at 475F-500F degrees. Take each pan of pretzels and sprinkle pretzel common salt or bounding main salt to decorate. Put a deep slice across the fat bottom office of the pretzel with a razor blade or super sharp knife. Identify into the Pizza-Porta and melt until they are nighttime brownish in color (check afterward 6 minutes, total time 12-xvi minutes) Turn if they are cooking unevenly. Remove pan with a metal peel, and place each pretzel on a wire rack to cool.


Enjoy -

Serve hot with mustard, Hot Honey, Butter or sprinkle with cheese


A couple of final notes on these pretzels:

Don't miss the wonderful aroma while they are cooking.

These pretzels could have been thicker in the middle, and thinner on the ends

I was not decorative with the sea common salt - could have been improve arranged

The slit in the fat body of the pretzel needs to be deep and neat (use a razor bract)

This recipe had 12 huge pretzels set in 30 minutes - cracking for a party!

Take fun, Make smashing…pretzels

*Lye enables the Maillard event : "At its almost basic, it is a heat-activated reaction betwixt minor sugars and amino acids. Dipping dough in lye alters the ratio betwixt sugar and protein, because lye breaks proteins present in the dough into smaller bits. Those are the modest amino acids that then combine with sugars to create the season compounds in the pretzel's chaff.' PAULA FRIEDRICH - NPR