
How To Cook A Rare Steak On Gas Grill

Learn how to grill steak perfectly every single time with this piece of cake to follow recipe where steak is seared on a hot grill and cooked to perfection. Grilling steak doesn't have to be complicated!

Bird's eye view of Grilled Steak with a pad of butter on it.

Grades of Steak

There are three grades of steak that you will find in a US supermarket:Select, Choice, and Prime. Select is generally the grade of auction-priced, or advertised meat. If it is choice grade, it will be advertised as such. Select grade is just above what the USDA deems edible. And then if you buy Select grade meat, don't be surprised when it isn't that great. It will always be worth it to pay the extra money per pound for the Choice grade. If your supermarket carries Prime grade, lucky you!

PRO TIP: Only buy Choice or Prime Form steaks.

Levels of Doneness

Whether you like your steak bleeding on the plate, or dry equally a bone, this steak doneness guide should assist you out. The chef'south standard level of doneness is medium-rare. At this signal information technology won't be bleeding, but will exist tender, juicy, and if you exercise it just right the steak will melt in your oral fissure. With do you tin can tell how cooked a steak is only past feel alone. Every steak has a different cooking fourth dimension due to varying thicknesses of the cuts. Be wary following anything that tells you a cooking time rather than a temperature.

Steak doneness chart.

Is it necessary to melt the steaks more after searing them?

The well-nigh important part of reaching the level of doneness you similar is the internal temperature. Searing is largely for flavor. If your steak is thicker, it probably won't attain the desired doneness as fast every bit a thinner one. I thing that helps ensure you don't overcook your steak, is to go out information technology out at room temperature for xxx minutes before cooking. If raising the internal temperature needs to take longer because the steak was likewise cold, information technology will crusade the steak to get overcooked.

Are these instructions the same for cooking other meats?

No. Other meats require different cooking times and temperatures. Every kind of meat has its own density and thickness. Also, whole cuts are not required to achieve every bit high of temperatures as ground meats and poultry.

Is information technology important to let the steaks rest?

Aye. The steak actually continues to cook during those few minutes. This continuation of cooking is peachy because it doesn't dry out out the steak, as information technology would by simply leaving information technology on the grill longer. Cut into the steak interrupts that last little period of cooking by releasing the heat inside the steak. Trust me, let information technology rest a few minutes and your steak volition turn out perfect.

If yous like this recipe, you may also be interested in these other delicious grilling recipes:

  • Skillet Steak Dinner
  • Perfect Grilled Pork Chops
  • Authentic Carne Asada

Watch the video beneath  where Rachel will walk you through every footstep of this recipe. Sometimes information technology helps to take a visual, and nosotros've always got y'all covered with our cooking show. You can find the complete collection of recipes onYouTube,Facebook Watch, or ourFacebook Page, or right here on our website with their corresponding recipes.


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